Our JaguarBot robot, by Jaguarundi Robot, is a Jupiter robot from Lattel Robotics designed for the RoboCup @ Home competition
- Speech recognition and synthesis.
- Gazebo Control for Turtlebot
- Robotic arm control
- Face detection and recognition
- Image processing
- Recognition of people
- Indoor navigation.
- Use of Rviz for indoor navigation.
- Use coordinates to locate the target position
- Remote control (TeamViewer)
The jaguarbot robot is based on the design of the Jupiter robot from the Lattel Robotics company Specifications are as follows:
- Base: Turtlebot 2, 50cm/s max speed
- Robot dimensions: height: 0.92 m (max), width:0.35 m depth 0.35m
- Robot weight: 9.5 kg.
- Maximun angular speed: 180 deg/s
- Vertical slopes: detects slopes greater than 5 cm in height
- Maximum slope: overcome slopes of up to 12mm.
- Operating time: 3 – 7 hours
Also our robot incorporates the following devices:
- Motor overload detection
- Odometry: 25718.16 ticks/ revolution.
- Gyro: default calibration, 1 axis (100 deg/s).
- Bumpers: left, center, right.
- Status LED
- Battery: Lition-Ion 2200mAh
- Computer: Intel NUC i5, 120GB SSD, 8 GB DDR
Robot’s Software Description:
or our robot we are using the following software:
- Platform: Ubuntu Operating system 16.04 Lts.
- Navigation: Kobuki drivers for ROS and other C++ enviroments, Gazebo
- Face recognition: Opencv
- Speech recognition: based in language model mode Sphinx
- Speech generation: based in language model mode Sphinx
External Devices
Jaguarbot robot relies on the following external hardware:
- Microphone:1 omni-directional condenser by Taksta
- Speakers USB plug 3.5 mm.
- Camera: 2 Astra S 3D
- arm degree of freedom: 5
- Wifi Remote Controller: MTK 7628NN